smart destination – user centred placemaking
How do you provide your visitors with a truly bespoke experience? How do you promote key attractions while communicating the hidden and unique gems that set you apart from others? Do you have full control of the information that’s shared and can you promote integrated links to RTI and sustainable walking, cycling, heritage & interpretive routes? Smart Destination Placemaking applies the latest digital technologies to complement traditional signage provision and create powerful, seamless promotional information provision accessed across web, mobile and on-street platforms. We create bespoke digital master maps designed to enhance the destination brand and raise attention to key attractions, amenities, and community services. Map content can be easily and quickly updated ensuring map accuracy and continued relevance to client / user’s needs. Access to the digital map is straightforward with free streamed data to any internet connected device including mobile phones. In Dunstable we delivered an on-street pedestrian scheme enhanced with a consistent digital map. RTI bus stop data is integrated into the digital map and complemented with route promotion of the Luton/Dunstable Guided Busway. National cycle routes to Luton and Dunstable Downs are featured to promote both cycle commuting and Leisure cycling alike. Key interactive features include map zoom, map rotation, current user location display and promotional pop-up windows with onward web links are all provided.
The Dunstable wayfinding scheme forms part of a multi-million pound investment in Dunstable High Street. The signage is one of the few aspects of the scheme where Central Bedfordshire Council has a visible presence in the completed project. All colours, fonts and icons were used to match the client’s brand and complement the town centre environment.

GPS user location icon allows users to navigate with ease and confidence. Landmark buildings raise the profile of significant buildings while acting as wayfinding aids throughout the borough. Interactive pop-up windows present destination photographs, onward web links and useful contact details. Zoomable cycle and public transport network illustrating national cycle routes and Dunstable guided busway networks. Real Time Information(RTI) for bus stops are added for live bus schedule and arrival times.
Digital map hosted on client Central Bedfordshire Council website promoting cycling and sustainable transport infrastructure and routes.

Fwdesign offer client team support through manufacturing liaison and installation support services.